Turpentine Creek Education Resources

Unsponsored Animal of the Week
Jasmine III

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World Bear Day

Join us at TCWR to learn all about the bears that call TCWR their home.


Enrichment Making Fun @ 9:30 a.m.

Join a Wildlife Interpreter as we learn about different enrichment items and help us gather or put something together for our animals we have here at Turpentine Creek! What we do is a surprise and is up to the Interpreter to decide!


Tiger Matching Game @ 10:30 a.m.

Tigers can be difficult to tell apart! By identifying unique stripes on a tiger's face, you can learn who is who. Visit TCWR to play a fun tiger matching game!


Bears 4 Beginners @ 11:30 a.m.

While grizzly bears don’t live naturally in Arkansas, black bears do! Join one of our Wildlife Interpreters as we learn how to i.d. these two different bears, making life easier when you visit a place that they live naturally together!


Staying Safe in Cougar Country @ 12:30 p.m.

Human encroachment on cougar territory leads to conflict, making it vital to learn how to stay safe around them. Join a Wildlife Interpreter to learn how to stay safe in cougar country!


TCWR Trivia @ 9:30 a.m.

Vist TCWR and play a trivia game to win a prize!


Scavenger Hunt @ 10:30 a.m.

Join one of our Wildlife Interpreters with a scavenger hunt! Hunt for answers to questions about animals found right here at TCWR, and win a prize!


If you give a tiger a toy @ 11:30 a.m.

Join one of our Wildlife Interpreters as we discuss what kind of toys you might see some of our animals playing with and even make your own toy for staff and interns to give to the animals later!


Cat Connections @ 12:30 p.m.

Have you ever wondered how our feline friends have ties to their big cat family members? Join our Wildlife Interpreter to discuss the similarities and differences between domestic cats and big cats.


Backyard Predators @ 9:30 a.m.

There are lots of clues that can help you figure out what lives in your backyard and neighborhoods! Join one of our Wildlife Interpreters as we i.d. some predators that call Arkansas home and might be living in your backyard or neighborhood!


Jaguar vs. Leopard @ 11:30 p.m.

Jaguars and Leopards are commonly confused for eachother, however there are many differences between the two. Visit TCWR to learn more about jaguars and leopards!


True vs. Pseudo Facilities @ 12:30 p.m.

Have you always done your research before visiting an animal facilty? If not, come join our Wildlife Interpreter to learn why it's so mportant, and how to spot a true sanctuary/zoo from a fake one.


Hype of Hybrids @ 9:30 a.m.

We have many animals that do not look like normal wild cats. There are several hybrids here at Turpentine, meet one of our Wildlife Interpreters and discuss what a hybrid is and why these creatures should not exist.


Scavenger Hunt @ 10:30 a.m.

Join one of our Wildlife Interpreters with a scavenger hunt! Hunt for answers to questions about animals found right here at TCWR, and win a prize!


Feline Purrception @ 11:30 a.m.

Just like us humans, all cats have their 5 senses to help them survive out in the wild. Come join our Wildlife Interpreter to take a closer look at each of these senses and how they play a role in a cat's daily life.


What Skulls Tell Us @ 12:30 p.m.

By looking at the anatomy of an animals skull we can learn numerous things about the species. Visit with a Wildlife Interpreter to learn what skulls can tell us about an animal!


Scavenger Hunt @ 9:30 a.m.

Join one of our Wildlife Interpreters with a scavenger hunt! Hunt for answers to questions about animals found right here at TCWR, and win a prize!


The Lions of North America @ 10:30 a.m.

Join one of our Wildlife Interpreters as we discuss the "lions" you can find wandering around in your backyard.


Cycle of Waste: Here Forever? @ 11:30 a.m.

The waste we produce continues to build up in the environment, where it releases toxic pollutants. Join a Wildlife Interpreter as we answer the questions: “How long do different waste products take to break down?” and “What waste can we recycle?”


Bobcats @ 12:30 p.m.

Join a Wildlife Interpreter as we learn about a wild cat that lives right here in Arkansas: The bobcat!


Enrichment Making Fun @ 9:30 a.m.

Join a Wildlife Interpreter as we learn about different enrichment items and help us gather or put something together for our animals we have here at Turpentine Creek! What we do is a surprise and is up to the Interpreter to decide!


Feisty Felines @ 10:30 a.m.

Enrichment is a vital aspect of maintaining the well-being of animals in cpativity. Join our Wildlie Interpreter to learn about the different ways our animals keep their bodies and brains busy and active.


All About Bears @ 11:30 a.m.

Join one of our Wildlife Interpreters as we learn all about bears!


Discovery Table @ 12:30 p.m.

Join an education team member as there will be a table set up with replica skulls, teeth, and claws!


National Wildlife Week

Come join Turpentine for the weekend to learn the stories of these animals that call us home.


National Endangered Species Day

Join us to learn about the endangered species that call TCWR home and their wild counterparts!


International Tiger Day

Join us to learn all about the tigers and those that call TCWR home!


World Lion Day

Join us to learn all about lions and those that call TCWR home!


National Wildlife Day

Join us at TCWR to learn about the native wildlife you can find at Turpentine!


Bam Bam Day

Visit TCWR to celebrate Bam Bam and show him some love!


World Wildlife Conservation Day

Come and join us at TCWR on Wildlife Conservation Day, December 4th. Did you know many species, from all over the world, are endangered due to harmful actions of humans; from hunting and wildlife trafficking to the destruction of their habitats. Through tours and small talks, discover how you can help stop the number of endangered species from rising and how to help the ones whose numbers are already extremely low.


International Day of Animal Rights

Visit TCWR for National Animal Rights Day as we discover how we can help stop the abuse that wildlife endure from humans. This is a day dedicated to spread awareness on all wildlife established by the non-profit Our Planet. Theirs Too. Join TCWR staff as we explore different opportunities to become their voice and help stop their suffering.


World Wildlife Day

Join us at TCWR and learn about all the wildlife we rescue!

Teacher Resources

Fun Fact #1

The cougar has the largest range of any cat.

Fun Fact #2

Female spotted hyenas are larger and more aggressive than the males.

Fun Fact #3

Caracals can jump 10 feet in the air, and can take down up to 12 birds mid-flight.

Fun Fact #4

A leopard can climb a tree while carrying prey weighing more than itself.

Fun Fact #5

Three of the eight bear species live in North America: Black Bears, Brown Bears and Polar Bears.

Fun Fact #6

Cougars can run up to 50 mph.

Fun Fact #7

Tigers can weigh anywhere from 200 lbs to over 600 lbs.

Fun Fact #8

Grizzly bears have long claws to help them dig.

Fun Fact #9

The cougar is the largest species of small cats.

Fun Fact #10

A jaguar can take down prey larger than itself - including a caiman!

Fun Fact #11

Servals mark their territory by spraying, anywhere from 20 to 40 times an hour!

Fun Fact #12

All white tigers are Bengal Tigers.

Fun Fact #13

Caracals have long, black tufts of fur on the tip of each ear.

Fun Fact #14

Leopards are the smallest species of big cat.

Fun Fact #15

Black bears are great climbers and can quickly scale a tree.

Our Mission

To provide lifetime refuge for abused and neglected “Big Cats” with emphasis on tigers, lions, leopards, and cougars. Through public education we work to end the Exotic Animal Trade, making sanctuaries like Turpentine Creek no longer necessary; together, we can preserve and protect these magnificent predators in the wild for our children’s future.