At Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge, we have around 95 animals, and about half of them are tigers. We also have bears, cougars, African servals, bobcats, a jaguar, a leopard, and a hyena. All of our animals have been rescued from abused, neglected, or abandoned places, such as people’s homes, apartments, fake zoos, and fake sanctuaries. We give them the care that they need at their forever home at Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge.
Jasmine is one of the tigers we have at Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge. She was rescued in 2018. Jasmine came from a zoo in Kansas. Jasmine couldn’t get along with her sister, and the zoo contacted TCWR to help come up with a solution. Some of our donors were able to help transport Jasmine to Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge while her sister stayed at the facility in Kansas.
Jasmine at Rescue Ridge
When you visit Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge, you will not be able to see Jasmine on a regular tram tour because she lives at Rescue Ridge. If you purchase a Carnivore Caravan tour, you will get a chance to see Jasmine. The carnivore caravan tour is a specialty tour that will take you to Rescue Ridge, our vet hospital, and commissary.
Carnivore Caravan Tour
The Carnivore Caravan tour will take you down to Rescue Ridge, where Jasmine is. We also have a hyena named Rambo, as well as five bears. They live on 4 acres of their natural habitat, where they can find their own food and climb trees if they desire. If you get a chance to take this tour, you will not be disappointed. An animal care staff member will talk for about 1.5–2 hours to take you on a “behind the scenes” tour of Turpentine Creek.
What can you do to help?
You can visit our facility. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit, and your admission cost will go directly back to taking care of our animals here at Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge. Donate enrichment items for our animals, such as paper towel rolls, toilet paper rolls, kitchen spices, cardboard boxes, live Christmas trees, and pumpkins. You could host a fundraiser to help our animals as well.
*Published by Erin Durphy on 12/16/2023*