Coltan Mining and Slowing Down the Dig

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is the second largest country in Africa. It’s home to some of the most […]

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is the second largest country in Africa. It’s home to some of the most beautiful landscapes and amazing animals in the world. Animals that we know from Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge live on these landscapes, like leopards, hyenas, servals, and lions. There are also animals we know and love, such as elephants, apes, antelopes, pangolins and so much more. But this is also home to humans, who have learned to survive in this mesmerizing and dangerous landscape. The natural environment of the Congo is essential to the survival of all of these species, but this important factor in their livelihood is being threatened. We have the ability to slow down that threat, while big thinkers try to find a way to rid people, the animals, and the planet of it. That deadly threat is coltan mining.

What is Coltan?

The word “coltan” is a shortening of it’s full name, columbite-tantalite. People have mined it throughout the DRC for decades. The DRC holds the title of the richest country in the world in natural resources due to its vast deposits of naturally occurring coltan and cobalt. Coltan is an ore that, when mined and refined, is resistant to heat, and capable of holding an electric charge. From this definition alone you might deduce why it is being mined so heavily. Coltan is inside all of our electronics; phones, laptops, televisions, even cars contain this ore. So it’s understandable why it’s in such high demand, but the mining of it is a harmful practice that shows no signs of slowing, what with the technological advancements we are making every single day.

This mining is devastating to the environment, the animals that live in it, and the people as well. There is much more to say about the practices of this mining. We are only scratching the surface of what happens in these communities. If this is something that piques your interest, please look further into this issue to find how you can help the people living in these mining communities. What’s important to know, is slowing this mining down is essential to the planet, and there is an easy way to do this. 

How Can You Help?

You can recycle your old electronics! Tons of big office supply and electronics stores will accept unwanted or broken electronics and recycle the coltan inside. Make sure to look into where you can do this in your area, because some places recycle more than just coltan! They’ll reuse other parts in these electronics to cut back on even more manufacturing, making an even bigger positive impact. Making conscientious choices as a consumer can create a huge difference in the world around you. So encourage your friends and family to start seeking out environmentally conscious ways to dispose of products and purchase new ones.

There are plenty of ways to avoid endorsing industries that cause deforestation and habitat destruction while shopping for new products. Bamboo is a great starting point for living more conscientiously. If you’re in need of anything new, you might be shocked just how many things can be made of bamboo. Plus it’s very sustainable. It’s the fastest growing plant in the world, and even an invasive species in some areas. You can also look out for items made of recycled material, recyclable material, or sustainable materials (bamboo, cork, organic cotton, hemp, linen, and straw).

Start swapping your plastic cleaning supplies out with conservation friendly options like detergent sheets, soap tablets, and bottles to dilute cleaner into. This will save the planet the plastic, and you the money. Plant fruits and vegetables in your garden to source your own food, then plant keystone plants to boost your local ecosystem. If you put out bird feeders, baths, houses, and bat boxes, you can watch the world around your home flourish with life. Donate to conservation organizations if you can, or just spread the word about making a difference. Taking those steps towards a more conscientious lifestyle can help you and the planet immensely!

*Published by Laynie Rodzon on 8/17/2024*

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