On December 20, 2022, the Senate passed the Big Cat Public Safety Act into federal law. The 10 year-long battle to pass this act will forever change the lives of big cats in the United States for the better. This act allows the government to better regulate big cats in the United States, where they are, how they are treated, and the way the public and organizations interact with them. Big cats are dangerous. Keeping these big cats in unsupervised areas puts the safety of the both the public and the animals at risk. Passing this law allows us to take steps to ensure our safety, the safety of our neighbors, and the safely of the animals. So, what do you need to know about The Big Cat Public Safety Act?
What is The Big Cat Public Safety Act?
The Big Cat Public Safety Act, or BCPSA, places new restrictions on commerce in and possession, breeding, and use (including public contact) of big cat species. This includes any live species of lion, tiger, leopard, clouded leopard, snow leopard, cheetah, jaguar, cougar or any hybrid of such species.
This means that not just anybody can breed and keep big cats anymore. The regulation of big cat owners will ensure everybody’s safety with regular inspections of the facilities and/or investigations of private areas the animals are kept in if something is reported about the animals. This law criminalized contact with big cats. The only people allowed to touch or handle a live species of big cat is a Veterinarian or staff/keeper* of that animal. Therefore, using big cats in cub-petting or pay-to-play franchises is federally illegal. Breeding big cats for cub-petting or pay-to-play franchises is strictly prohibited in an effort to stop the production of these cubs for such programs and for the exotic pet trade.
How to tell if facilities or people are within regulations?
Know the law. This is the best way be be aware of violations of the BCPSA. No single individual is legally able to purchase a big cat across all 50 states. If you know of someone or have heard about someone buying a big cat after December 2022, continue reading to the bottom of the article to see where you can submit your tip to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
An important part of the BCPSA is the ban on public contact with big cats, as mentioned before. No facility can legally allow the public to have physical contact with a big cat of any size or age. The facilities that provide these opportunities aim to make a profit. Therefore, they might advertise these experiences. Since the BCPSA’s passing, these illegitimate facilities may offer more private experiences that are not as well advertised, to avoid being reported and found out. If you hear of any members of the public having contact with big cats in any setting in the United States, it is something worth reporting to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Another major regulation is the ban on breeding big cats outside of any organization that does not have a USDA Class C license. These USDA Class C License holders can include AZA Zoos, ZAA Zoos, or unaccredited zoos whose license is in good standing with the USDA. However, if you visit any facility that has big cat cubs at it, do your research to find out what they are using those cubs for. If you feel they are violating the BCPSA then the best thing to do is to report that facility. After someone files a report, officials review it then investigate it if it violates the BCPSA.
How to report somebody in violation of The Big Cat Public Safety Act?
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, or USFWS, offers a few different routes to report wildlife crime concerns. You can reach the USFWS tip line over the phone at (844) 397-8477. You can email the USFWS at LawEnforcement@fws.gov with any concerns you have. The final option is offered through their website – the following link will take you directly to the USFWS’ online tip form.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service also recommends obtaining as much evidence as safely possible of the person or facility breaking the law. With your safety in mind, this usually means getting photo or video evidence. Write down anything notable about the encounter (where you are, what’s happening, descriptions of people). If you see somebody trafficking animals online, take a screen capture of the website, or the monitor displaying it, to attach to your USFW report. Additionally, if you see somebody trafficking animals with their vehicle, get the vehicle information like plates and a general description on the car make and model.
It is important to know that breaking The Big Cat Public Safety Act is a federal crime. Reporting those that violate it is paramount to ensuring the safety of the public and the animals. To learn the most accurate information about The Big Cat Public Safety Act go to the USFWS website. They provide accurate, up to date information, and provide answers to some more specific questions about the BCPSA in their Q & A document.
*Other restrictions may apply. Find those other restrictions in Section 3 Item 2(A)(i).
*Published by Laynie Rodzon on 9/14/2024*