There are many things that you can do to help our Big Cats in need! By visiting our webpage and going to the donation section, https://www.turpentinecreek.org/support-us/donate/, you will be able to see all the ways you can help out Turpentine Creek. With that link you can see if your employer will match your donation, the different memberships we have, how to adopt or sponsor an animal, what legacy giving is, third-party donations when you buy off of different websites, our wish list, and a list of animal enrichment items!
Donating different items is a great way to help out and some of the items you can find around your house! For enrichment, we use some of the simplest things that you use every day! An example of those things would be paper towels and toilet paper tubes! Whenever you finish off a roll of paper towels or toilet paper, put them in a bag and collect them. When you have acquired several, on your next trip here, drop them off and our animals will be ecstatic! We also use cardboard boxes, newspapers, perfume, real Christmas Trees, and kitchen spices (just no salt, pepper, or spicy seasonings)!
There are also different food items that you can donate as well! That list is also on the website under the URL above! Some examples of some of the food items that we take as a donation would be watermelons, pumpkins, peanut butter, apples, grapes, applesauce, and much more! If interested in donating meat, please call 479-253-5841 ext. 6.
Plus, you can count large donations off on taxes by using the tax ID of 71-0721742! There are many ways to donate to these animals without hurting your wallet! If interested in donating any of these items, feel free to bring them up here or give us a call! Us and all the animals appreciate it!