Teddy’s Bears

It’s October, which means it’s the birthday month of one of the United States’ greatest presidents, Theodore Roosevelt. He was […]

It’s October, which means it’s the birthday month of one of the United States’ greatest presidents, Theodore Roosevelt. He was often affectionately known as “Teddy” Roosevelt, and he was a larger-than-life figure in American history. His contribution to bears is one that has left an indelible mark on both culture and conservation. 


Teddy Roosevelt served as the 26th president of the United states from 1901 to 1909. His presidency was marked by a deep commitment to conservation and environmental protection. Roosevelt’s love for the outdoors was evident in his avid interest in hunting and exploring the American wilderness. 


One of the most famous incidents that showcased Roosevelt’s connection to bears occurred during a hunting trip in November 1902. While hunting in Mississippi, he was presented with the opportunity to shoot a black bear that had been trapped and tied to a tree by his hunting guides. However, Roosevelt found this unsportsmanlike and refused to take the shot. This act of compassion and sportsmanship became widely known, and a political cartoonist actually illustrated the incident in a cartoon that was published in the Washington Post.

The Origin of Teddy Bears

The cartoon depicted Roosevelt sparing the bear, and it struck a chord with the American public. Inspired by this, Morris Michtom, a toy store owner in Brooklyn, NY, and his wife Rose, created a stuffed bear and called it “Teddy’s Bear” after receiving Roosevelt’s permission to use his name. This marked the birth of the teddy bear, a beloved toy that has since become an enduring symbol of childhood and comfort. 


The teddy bear quickly gained popularity, and its production spread across the country. Manufacturers began to mass-produce these soft, cuddly bears, and they became a staple in nurseries and children’s rooms. The teddy bear’s connection to Roosevelt added to its charm, making it a symbol of compassion and tenderness as well.

Roosevelt’s Conservation

Beyond the teddy bear, Roosevelt’s contributions to bears extended to his significant role in conservation. During his presidency, he worked tirelessly to protect America’s natural resources. He is considered the “conservationist president.” Roosevelt expanded the national park system, creating five new national parks and establishing 18 national monuments. He also signed the Antiquities Act into law, which allowed presidents to designate national monuments, helping to preserve unique landscapes for future generations.


Roosevelt’s conservation legacy culminated in the establishment of the United States Forest Service in 1905. During his presidency, he protected an approximate 230 million acres of public land. His leadership and dedication to preserving America’s wild places paved the way for future conservation efforts and set a precedent for responsible stewardship of the nation’s natural treasures. The bear populations of the United States have found homes in these protected areas of land.

Theodore Roosevelt’s contribution to bears is a remarkable blend of compassion, culture, and conservation. His dedication to conservation left an enduring legacy, shaping the way America approaches the protection of its wilderness and natural heritage. Teddy Roosevelt’s connection to bears, both in the form of a cuddly toy and in his conservation efforts, is a testament to the profound impact one individual can have on shaping the nation’s values and its relationship with the natural world. 



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