We have received tons of snow this year compared to past years! Some of our residents really enjoy this time of year while others could care less.
Our African animals like our Servals, Lions, and Leopards do not get out often when it is cold, especially when there is snow on the ground. They get all snuggled up in their heated night houses or buildings and stay there for most of the day. There are occasionally a few of our African animals that venture out during these cold times. Ungowwa, who is a lioness, loves to get out of her night house and venture around with Glacier, a white tiger, when it is snowing. We believe that because they both came from Indiana, they are used to this weather, but we also think that because she is around a tiger all the time, she is coping his behavior.
Tigers absolutely love the snow, and they always try to play around in the snow when they get the chance. Tigers are from Asia where temperatures vary. You will see a majority of our tigers playing around when it is snowing as long as it is dry snow, not wet snow. They rather have dry snow than wet due to them getting wet, too cold, and uncomfortable.
If you ever get a chance to come visit us when it is snowing, there is a good chance that you will see lots of tigers out playing. That is why winter is the best time to see the tigers while maybe not the best time to see the lions.